A Voucher To Your Guest, A Lifeline To Your Business.

Posted on Thu April 23, 2020.

A successful way to generate business during a tourism crisis is through the use of discounted or value-added vouchers. These vouchers allow you to take in vital revenue from consumers immediately and could ensure your business’ survival until travel restrictions are lifted.

This certainly is no time to expect guests at your lodge, but it is the ideal time to give consumers a reason to book for future travels. While social media helps to inspire future holidays, many people currently feel frustrated by having to stay at home and not being able to visit the places they love most. For your future guest, buying a voucher now gives them something to look forward to during the current period. It may also be a great way for them to encourage others when buying a voucher as a gift (e.g. for upcoming Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day). 

Vouchers will allow you as the owner to get vital income from customers – even though they will only visit later. This revenue, albeit less than average, could ensure your business' survival until travel restrictions are lifted. Vouchers need not be a once-off solution and can be incorporated into the longer-term strategy of your business as well.

Here are a few reasons why now is the perfect time to sell vouchers:

Future Security

With a voucher, you’re getting cash flow and some immediate economic relief. You’re also guaranteeing future bookings where guests may spend more during their stay on extras not included in the voucher. 

Raise Brand Awareness And Attract New Guests

Vouchers give you an excuse to reach out to your current database of clients and share your latest offering with them. Entice them to share the perfect gift of a stay at your establishment, which in turn, promises you new guests who may not have heard of your establishment otherwise.   

Boost Low Season

Vouchers are a great way to get bookings during your low season, as many guests could choose to take a guilt-free holiday when they need it most, especially when the voucher is a gift.  

Add Value

Unlike discounts, vouchers do not diminish the value of your brand.  Create packages that incorporate other businesses in your area to offer attractive add-ons to a stay at your establishment. This makes potential guests more inclined to purchase a voucher while also helping the greater community as a whole. In addition to this, you won't have to discount your accommodation offering more than you feel comfortable with and keep your profit margins consistent. 

Don't forget that there is light at the end of the tunnel. If you're still not convinced, the Tourism Economic experts predict that the travel industry will make a full recovery by 2023, based on how it has recuperated from previous slumps. This crisis has presented a once in a lifetime opportunity for industries to rethink the way they do business and find new ways to generate an income.

Get free access to our step-by-step guide on how to create and sell your own vouchers here






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